
The Accountants Association of Iowa's Spring Seminar was held May 14, 2018 at the West Des Moines Marriott.  Speaker was Bob Jennings and our topic was Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  The topics covered the biggest tax law change in 30 years, with almost all going into effect in 2018.

We had good attendance and look forward to seeing everyone at our September 17th meeting.

Submitted by:  Kay Puscas, Exec. Secretary

Accountants Association of Iowa's annual 1040 Tax Seminar was held Novermber 14 &15 at the West Des Moines Marriott.  Speakers this year included Terry O'Leary Bakker and Bill Leonard from the Jennings Group.

Accountants Association of Iowa annual members meeting was Monday evening with election of officers for the new year.  See the Board Member pages for details.

AAI ask you to watch our web site for the dates of our Spring Accounting Seminar to be held in May 2017  You will also receive a paper notice.

Submitted by: Kay Puscas, Executive Secretary